Box64 Dev

Revisiting the dynarec

Since the last post about it, the dynarec (dynamic recompiler, a Just-In-Time recompilation of x86 code) changed a lot. It still works in four major steps, but now there are a lot more intermediary steps. So let’s see how it works now! Note: this article will focus on the ARM version of the dynarec on…

Box64 Box86

New version of Box64 v0.2.6 and Box86 v0.3.4

After sometime debugging some last issues, the new version of box64 and box86 are out. Most of the work has been done on Box64, with lots of improvments again on Emulation and Library wrapping. The CPU emulate up to SSE 4.2 now (it was only SSE 4.1 before), and it also handle the SHA extension.…

Box64 Box86

New version of Box86 v0.3.2 and Box64 v0.2.4

New releases of both box86 and box64 (with a silent re-release of box86 to include a critical fix for steam). While Box86 have seen little change, and was mostly fixes and some refactor to help load ELF file better, Box64 had major code contribution for this release. Box64 Dynarec now support RISC-V! Thanks to github…

Box64 Gaming macM1

Box64 on Asahi with experimental GPU driver

Let’s try some games using Box64 on the M1, now that there is a first experimental version of the GPU driver. This driver provides OpenGL 2.1 profile, so a few games should already be working. After an update of the Asahi system, and the installation of the “edge” kernel and mesa driver, I also updated…

Box64 Box86

Running Bash with Box86 & Box64

Both box86 & box64 are now able to run bash. And a x86/x86_64 version of bash can also be found in the the “tests” folder of box repo. While this is a neat feature, you could wonder what could be the use of this. Well, the use is to be able to run shell script…

Box64 Box86 Gaming General

Box86/Box64 are easy to use

Discover how box86 & box64 are easy to use and install, and how they can be integrated in the system.

Box86 Gaming

ARM Gaming

I see more and more posts about new solutions and platforms beeing created that will enable gaming on ARM, like if it was something new and revolutionnary. While I do agree it’s revolutionnary, I disagree with the “new” aspect. Gaming on ARM is quite old in fact. For those who remember that time, Pocket PC…